Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life

Season Finale

Matthew A Bennett

Hello listeners! It's been a great season, from February to September, and this has been a really fun process for me - starting a podcast and learning how to do it. It was also a major lesson in consistency. I can't wait to start it all again next year - more guests, and more of everything else you've been hearing the past 8 months. 

During the break, I will still be posting - not consistently, not every Monday and Thursday. But if I meet someone amazing that I want to interview, I'm going to put it out there and not wait until February. And when I have new thoughts and ideas to share with you, I'm just going to get those out there too. No sense waiting to share good information. 

I've also got some guest interviews recorded and almost ready to roll out, so I will put those out as I have time to complete them - make sure you listen to those, because as the season went on I grew as an interviewer and was able to create more and more value with each episode. 

So stay tuned, and if you 've been clicking the social media links to get to this podcast, now would be a great time to subscribe. You can also buy me a coffee to help me get prepared for next season - just go to, and click buy me a coffee to support the show. I'm not reaching out to advertisers, or selling anything on the show, so that would be a great way to help keep this thing going. 

Thank you so much for listening. I'm going to leave you with a song that I wrote and recorded. You've been hearing it all year as my intro music. My wife named this song Let Us Have Sexiness. So here we go. 

Keep reflecting, revising, and remixing your lives - thank you so much for being a part of this. I'll see you soon!

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Hello listeners! It's been a great season, from February to September, and this has been a really fun process for me - starting a podcast and learning how to do it. It was also a major lesson in consistency. I can't wait to start it all again next year - more guests, and more of everything else you've been hearing the past 8 months. 

During the break, I will still be posting - not consistently, not every Monday and Thursday. But if I meet someone amazing that I want to interview, I'm going to put it out there and not wait until February. And when I have new thoughts and ideas to share with you, I'm just going to get those out there too. No sense waiting to share good information. 

I've also got some guest interviews recorded and almost ready to roll out, so I will put those out as I have time to complete them - make sure you listen to those, because as the season went on I grew as an interviewer and was able to create more and more value with each episode. 

So stay tuned, and if you 've been clicking the social media links to get to this podcast, now would be a great time to subscribe. You can also buy me a coffee to help me get prepared for next season - just go to, and click buy me a coffee to support the show. I'm not reaching out to advertisers, or selling anything on the show, so that would be a great way to help keep this thing going. 

Thank you so much for listening. I'm going to leave you with a song that I wrote and recorded. You've been hearing it all year as my intro music. My wife named this song Let Us Have Sexiness. So here we go. 

Keep reflecting, revising, and remixing your lives - thank you so much for being a part of this. I'll see you soon!